The Other Side of the Street

For most students, today marks the start of their long-awaited semester break where they can spend most of their time whether at home or any other place without having to worry about school. For others, however, a long, unproductive week has passed and perhaps cut short for them. But, everything is the same for me since I spent most of this "break" at school. Today was no different from the other days. Except that it is raining. So, as I thought that we had some sort of meeting in school, I went only to find out that it was cancelled because there is a typhoon today. Reasonable enough I guess. Anyway, I decided to go home. I started walking along the Padre Faura Street on the side of the Supreme Court. I usually walked along the other side but this time, I decided to change it up a bit. Then it took a turn of events. As I neared Robinson's, a guy came up to me asking for some money. He was probably in his late teens or early twenties and he was wearing a loose,...