
Showing posts from March, 2012


Nobody likes to say goodbye. Nobody likes to leave behind their friends and family. But the inevitable fact is that someday, in one way or another, we will have to bid farewell to those whom we love and care about. We will have to go our separate ways, and just hope that fate will bring us back together again. Being separated from your best friends, or those whom you consider your family, is so painful. It is like whenever you are not with them, there is something missing in you. There is a gap, a sense of emptiness that fills your heart. Many times in the past did I have to say goodbye to people whom I love, and it is such a weird feeling, like a thorn piercing through my heart. My eyes will start to well with tears. Others may not see me do so because I try to hide my feelings as best as I could. Then, when I am alone in a corner, there will I burst into tears. You will not fully realize the true value of a person until you are separated from them. Every day, things would s

The Youth is the Hope of the Future

The other night, I was browsing through the internet as I searched for something to inspire me to write a good speech with the theme: "Education, Our Tool for Nation Building". Eventually, I found one. The discussion was focused around the topic, "How can it be changed by the youth?" . This was the initial statement: (Source: "...The youth is said to be the catalyst of change. It is said that the youth is the hope of changing and bringing an ideal system. But how exactly can the youth change the present system when he is surrounded by a corrupt system?  How can he do it when not all can study and get themselves involved in worthy activities? How can he do his advocacy when his freedom are suppressed? How can the youth fight the pain of a corrupt system and maintain his idealism for an ideal system?"  Then Mr. Friedrich Naumann replied: "Don't be too pessimistic - change has ha


Teenage life is the "awkward stage" of a person's development. This is the transition from being an innocent, playful child to becoming a fully-grown and fully-matured adult. However, when on this stage, one cannot truly call himself an adult yet nor can he call himself a child. This is why there is often a barrier or a gap for teenagers. Oftentimes, we teenagers feel that our parents, relatives, or adults in general do not understand why we say or do certain things. It is quite ironic since naturally, they should be the first people to understand us because first of all, they have already experienced what we are currently experiencing so they already know how to deal with it. Plus, our parents know us intimately since they were there since birth. But, in reality, there are many more factors that should be taken into consideration when dealing with teenagers especially since change constantly happens during this stage. Sometimes I feel that my parents do not u

Live in the Moment!

Everyday of my life, I try to plan the activities that I will do and the work that I have to finish for the day. I try to manage my time as wisely as I can so that not one minute will be wasted. And I believe that I am not the only one who does the same thing. My plan becomes a routine for me; I get up in the morning, eat breakfast, go to school, then when I get home, eat supper, do my homework, study a little then sleep. That's basically what I do almost each day. There's not a day that I will let pass without being productive or doing some meaningful thing because life is precious, we should not waste it. However, when something disrupts the normal flow of my schedule, everything else tends to fall apart. I would get less time to do all the activities I have to do for the day and in turn, I have to compromise my sleep to get everything finished. This could also lead to procrastination. And, based from my own experience, results of crammed work are disastrous. So,

Love is the Answer

This song is really good and inspiring. Truly, love is the answer to our problems. It uplifts us, it gives us courage and motivation. As was in my previous posts, love is a powerful thing. It is not just an emotion, it is an attitude. Love can solve most, if not all, our burdens and worries.
