6 Miraculous Changes I Have Experienced Thus Far

After much consideration, I finally resolved within myself to come back from hiatus. It's been about seven months since my last post and I intended it to be the last. At that point, I decided to bury this blog and never speak of it again. But here I am, writing once more. You may ask, " Why? What triggered you to return? " or maybe not. Simply put, things have immensely changed for the past few months and quite recently I have created new blogs besides this one so that I can at least do something with my spare time since I am currently having a month-long semestral break. Now, on with the topic at hand. As I have said, over the past few months, many things have changed and I believe for the better. However, these changes were anything but ordinary and the only word that would describe them is miraculous . Often, we would associate the word miracle with the supernatural and divine power of God interceding in the lives of His people, making even the most humanly imp...