How to Get Through a Bad Day

I bet you've had days when nothing good seems to happen to you or maybe one bad thing someone said or did to you ruined your whole day. Maybe you got caught in traffic which caused you to be late for work and your boss or your professor was also having a bad day so he vented all his stress and frustrations on you. You even woke up early and dressed to impress. Then, nobody in school takes notice and you hear people gossiping about you in the office or in your org. When you get home, aside from the tons of homework or work you have to finish, you also have to do chores around the house so your mom yells at you for being so lazy and inconsiderate. On top of that, you find out your girlfriend/boyfriend is cheating on you. What a tough day! All you want to do at the end of it all is to take a break or just escape from the mess you entered. The first thing I want to tell you is I understand what you are going or have gone through. You just want to burst out on a rampage to reliev...