
Showing posts with the label Becoming Fluent in a Language

How to Become Fluent in a Language in 90 Days

Photo by Compare Fibre on Unsplash I know the title sounds clickbait-y but hear me out. It is actually possible to become fluent in a language within the span of 90 days. Learning a language has become easier nowadays with the abundance of resources available online. But I would also like to clarify that becoming fluent in a language does not equate becoming proficient or having a certain mastery over it. It only means that you may be able to speak the language without stuttering as much. However, it doesn't follow that by being able to do that, you would be able to understand a native completely. That's just not possible in that span of time. I would say it would take at least five years of constant learning in the language or full immersion to the language as well as the culture surrounding that language in order to become completely fluent and have some proficiency in that language. Don't expect to speak and think like a native in a certain language after spending a year
