
Showing posts with the label Health & Wellness

4 Ways to Recover from Burnout

Photo by Kostiantyn Li on Unsplash I am all too familiar with the signs of burnout: you find no reason to get up out of bed, nothing you do seems meaningful, there is no joy in doing even the things that you used to love, and a heavy feeling of restlessness and despair. The causes of burnout can differ from person to person. For me, being a results-oriented individual, when things that I do bear no visible progress or when I can't seem to understand what I'm doing wrong that's causing the results to be far from expectations, I start to become disheartened, discouraged, and despairing. I lose my sense of meaning in what I'm doing, and it just doesn't motivate me anymore to keep putting an effort because I feel like my efforts aren't being rewarded. So, having experienced that so many times, I sort of understand what I need to do when I go through it and how I can get out of it. These four things may not be effective for everyone, but they can be a good start to r
