The Irony of Man

Photo by Colton Sturgeon on Unsplash Humans are funny. I'm not talking about that in a comedic sense, although there's that dimension to us. What I mean is, we're odd and paradoxical at times. We're a conundrum. In a previous article , I mentioned that we're afraid of being vulnerable with others because we don't want them to find that deep down in our core, we're an empty shell. Now, I don't think that's exactly the reason. I think what we fear more than being seen as an empty shell, is being seen as unlovable or wretched. We have this deep-seated need to be accepted and loved, right? To have somebody else see the despicable parts of ourselves defeats the purpose of trying to paint ourselves to be lovable or good. That's why we try to be good to others, isn't it? Initially, I mean, and I don't really want to get into the religious aspects of these questions yet. Essentially, human beings are selfish by nature, and there are some people w...