
Showing posts with the label Philippine Politics

Should Capital Punishment Be Implemented Today?

Photo by Tingey Injury Law Firm on Unsplash There have been a lot of discussions about the legality of capital punishment and whether it is even a humane way of administering penal justice. In the Philippines, it's a hotly debated topic especially during the former Pres. Duterte's term because he was a stalwart proponent of it. Apparently, the current Philippine Pres. Ferdinand Marcos Jr. is undecided on whether to reimpose the death penalty in the Philippines, because he believes that it's not an effective method to curb crime rate in the country. I think there are merits to implementing the death penalty in a country, but I also think there are certain dangers around it. I think the state should implement the death penalty, but they must strictly abide by guidelines on which cases where the death penalty should be considered. For example, serial killers or serial rapists need to be put to death. And the state has the authority to do that. I believe there is a precedent fo
