I'm Not Perfect!

Many times I would have to mentally scold myself when I don't do things perfectly and sulk about it. In many instances as well, I would have to stop comparing myself to others. This is one of the struggles I go through every day and I recognize that this is not something new for me. When I was younger, I got irritated when outcomes weren't up to par with my expectations, when they weren't perfect the way that I saw how it should go. I usually set the bar high for myself, but not only that, I also extended this expectation of such standard toward others. When I let people down, I sulked in self-pity and sometimes I still do which I constantly have to submit to God because it is detrimental to me and to others as well. I admit that I'm not perfect, nobody is but when we compare ourselves with others or when we become so obsessed with having everything to go our way, the way which we think is the best, then we will be going on a downward spiral of condemnation, reg...