When I Wake Up

I want to wake up and not worry About how much time I have left To study for my exam Or about my paper due at 11:59 pm I want to wake up and not worry About what to do with my life And just start living it Enjoying every moment under the sun I want to wake up and not worry About where God will take me tomorrow Whether to the heights or to the depths If that's where I'm meant to be If that's where my purpose lies I'll take that bold leap But at times I wake up and feel down Bogged by the worries and fears of not knowing, Of forgetting where I was or where I want to go, Of the uncertainties of who I am or who I want to be Then I close my eyes to think for a while And remind myself about what's important To draw strength and guidance from God above Bringing back my focus to the source of all things Extending gratitude and praise to Him Who wakes me up in the first place Yes, I want to wake up and feel alive To take a step back, breathe ...