
Showing posts with the label Discipline

Should Parents Discipline Their Children by Spanking?

Photo by Photos of Korea on Unsplash Disciplining a child has become less popular especially for the Gen Zs. Despite corporal punishment being legal in all states in the US, according to this article , it seems that the practice has seen a decline since the 1980s with a survey published in the Journal of Child and Family Studies suggesting that " a majority of children in the US were not subject to corporal punishment in 2014. " There have been studies which asserted that corporal punishment may harm a child's development and cause decreased cognitive ability. Others point out that corporal punishment can inflict mental distress and emotional trauma on children which can affect their psyche. So, the question then is, "Should parents discipline their children by spanking?". I'm not a child psychologist, a pediatrician, a lawmaker, or a parent. But as someone who experienced receiving corporal punishment as a child, I will try to weigh in on the issue given ho
