Talking to One's Self

I remember my friend Samantha telling me that talking to one's self is healthy. So, it is really quite normal to talk to yourself but it would probably be more appropriate if you talk to yourself inconspicuously since many people try to keep their intrapersonal conversations to themselves. So, talking to one's self isn't really weird. I believe that it can help us improve ourselves, our personality, our communication skills, and our self-esteem. There are benefits that one can receive by doing this, both in children and in adults. One can actually develop self-confidence and self-esteem to help him be an active member of the society and also to easily socialize with other people. There's really nothing to worry about. In my opinion, talking to one's self is one way of expressing one's self. I get to say what I want to say without anyone criticizing me for it. I get to talk and ease the tension inside. I also get the time to reflect on my past actions. ...