Unrequited Love

Look at the photo and notice what is written on it. It says, "You will never notice me, you will never know, I will never be what you want. But I'll always love you from afar."

Some of us cannot bear to know that we feel some intense emotion toward someone, later realizing that he or she does not reciprocate the kind of feelings towards us.

You would feel that it is unfair for you that you would give your whole self to that person and not get anything, even just a simple hello.

Often, when people think that he or she is the right one, they would never let go of that feeling. They will chase their dream guy or girl to the ends of the earth only to find out that he or she was meant for someone else.

I have felt that in a way, though not with someone, and I have chosen to ignore the fact that it was not meant to be. But, looking back, I think it would have been better for that person to at least know how I felt. I regret not doing so, if ever there was a time in the past that it ever occurred. I know it is too late if you would be admitting years after, but just to be fair, I think you should at least let them know.

We could not really predict what will happen in the future, that is why we should do whatever we can now, grab the chance while it is still there. Because when you don't you will feel so guilty. I remember a quote saying, "We cannot step into the same river twice. An opportunity lost is lost forever."

About a week or so ago, I talked to my friend about this. I wanted to know what her thoughts and opinions were about this kind of topic because I knew that she would give me good insights; her level of thinking and maturity, in my opinion, are far beyond her years, and I respect her very much.

So, she answered my question quite simply but with a deep sense of understanding about it; in my thoughts, everything she said was based on personal experiences.

She told me that this is a test of sincerity and humility. According to her, when you love someone and that person does not love you back, and you accept that, you are truly in love with that person. You accept the fact that there is someone better for that person.

Even if you know that you will never love anyone else the way you love that person, even if you will die alone, you will pass this life with happiness because you know that he/she is also happy. That is true love.


  1. awww :(
    I understand the last paragraph very, very much.

  2. ^^Some things are just not meant to be I guess...
    We just have to let the flow of things happen according to a much greater perspective than ours..

  3. even if we get hurt, right? :)

  4. That last paragraph deserves to be read over and over again.


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