
Showing posts with the label Romance

"Do You Have a Girlfriend? No, Why Not?": My Honest Response

I have been asked this question far too many times than I could count. Almost as much as a woman in her 30s being asked by friends and family, "Why aren't you married yet?". Or, a newlywed couple during the first couple of years in their marriage being asked, "When are you going to have kids?", particularly by aging parents who have become impatient, and are wondering when they will get to have a few bundles of joy bouncing on their lap. To be honest, I have been trying to come up with the best way to articulate my position without causing any misunderstandings. My usual response used to be "I'm not yet ready" or "I haven't found anyone yet". But that doesn't exactly encapsulate everything that's going through my head when it comes to this matter. You see, I have thought about romance, relationships, marriage, and other related subjects for over 10 years now. And the answers to those questions are rarely straightforward. So, I

Keeping the Love Alive

Still in the spirit of the love month, I shall be giving my two cents on keeping relationships afloat and how your relationships can grow and last a lifetime. Right off the bat I am going to confess that I am no relationship expert. I have not been mushy, goo-goo in love with someone before but relationships extend far beyond the romantic kind. It includes friendships, families, and of course our relationship with God so I think from my standpoint, I do have some experience and knowledge about this topic of love and relationships. Building good relationships starts with having good communication. Communication is very important in relationships as we all know but how much communication do we actually invest in our relationships? In the digital age, we might think that we know a person just by looking at his or her Facebook page or by following his or her tweets which is quite superficial. Spending time with people will help you to understand where they are coming from and le

The Facets of Love

Love may be an outburst of emotion or a wonderful subtlety. Something that we feel in the pit of our stomachs and in our hearts for the people whom we share affection and mutual interest with. Love may also be a concept. A thought, idea, belief or value that we passionately fight for until our dying breath. Every fiber of our body lives for its fulfillment and we, in turn, are motivated to act in behalf of it and encouraged by it even if the world around us thinks we are crazy doing so. Normally, these are some ways in which we describe what love is based on our own experiences. But God's Word takes 'love' into different accounts. "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails..."

Are You Ready for Love?

Lately, my mind has busied itself with thoughts of love and relationships. I simply cannot help it! I am at that junction in life when the heart yearns for affection far beyond the bonds of friendship and family. When you start to ponder about such feelings which you once discarded to be childish and silly and now consider as a part of the reality of life. Perhaps one of the most fundamental questions that adolescents ask is whether they are ready to love and be loved. I have always been a romantic by heart. I have always been fond of love stories, even tragic ones, and of heroic acts of sacrifice and beating the odds to overcome the world for the one you love. However, the problem that I see is that happy endings rarely happen in real life although we often fantasize and dream that they happen to us and some even write about them. Then we read those stories and fill our minds with wishful thinking that one day by chance we meet 'the One' and we fall head over heels

Love is the Answer

This song is really good and inspiring. Truly, love is the answer to our problems. It uplifts us, it gives us courage and motivation. As was in my previous posts, love is a powerful thing. It is not just an emotion, it is an attitude. Love can solve most, if not all, our burdens and worries.

Unrequited Love

Look at the photo and notice what is written on it. It says, "You will never notice me, you will never know, I will never be what you want. But I'll always love you from afar." Some of us cannot bear to know that we feel some intense emotion toward someone, later realizing that he or she does not reciprocate the kind of feelings towards us. You would feel that it is unfair for you that you would give your whole self to that person and not get anything, even just a simple hello. Often, when people think that he or she is the right one, they would never let go of that feeling. They will chase their dream guy or girl to the ends of the earth only to find out that he or she was meant for someone else. I have felt that in a way, though not with someone, and I have chosen to ignore the fact that it was not meant to be. But, looking back, I think it would have been better for that person to at least know how I felt. I regret not doing so, if ever there was a time in

Valentine's Day: Love is in the Air

In only a few days away, I would be hearing sweet serenades from the cherubs above. I would be feeling the warmth of the eternal bond between two hearts. I would see the sun rise yet I would never notice that time is slowly passing. I would feel my heart pounding out of my chest when I am close to that special person; and most of all, love will once again fill the air. Valentine's Day has been a tradition for many people. Giving gifts, roses, and chocolates to that special someone to whom your heart belongs. Writing poems and just letting your mind freely express what you really feel. These may sound cliche but, well, what can we do? The heart doth protests. We can never deny the fact that each one of us has the need to love and to be loved because love is the essence of being human. However, there are risks that you have to take when you try to love someone. But if you are willing to take them, then you should be prepared to accept whatever might happen in your relationshi
