Are You Ready for Love?

When you start to ponder about such feelings which you once discarded to be childish and silly and now consider as a part of the reality of life.
Perhaps one of the most fundamental questions that adolescents ask is whether they are ready to love and be loved.
I have always been a romantic by heart. I have always been fond of love stories, even tragic ones, and of heroic acts of sacrifice and beating the odds to overcome the world for the one you love.
However, the problem that I see is that happy endings rarely happen in real life although we often fantasize and dream that they happen to us and some even write about them.
Then we read those stories and fill our minds with wishful thinking that one day by chance we meet 'the One' and we fall head over heels in love with each other, get married, have two kids, have decent paying jobs, and a challenging and stimulating lifestyle.
Then you watch your children grow and have their own decent lives. You grow old and die in peace, together in each other's arms. But the truth is, life in this world is not as forgiving or as generous.
The question remains: Are you ready for love?
Even if it would cost you to lose everything that you consider to be important and significant in your life and suffer the most humiliating and excruciatingly painful experiences you could ever imagine so that you can have the one that you regard to be the most precious and priceless in all the world to which nothing can compare?
Will you risk it all and lay down your life for love?
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