No More Chasing After the Wind

In the course of life, most people would discover that contentment is such a fleeting thing, one day here and gone the next.
We simply cannot be content with what we have or who we are.
We often get frustrated when we fail to achieve our goals and that no matter how much we try, there scarcely seems to be any fulfillment.
The problem that we humans are innately born with is that gaping hole deep within the soul which is the source of our agony and malaise. The emptiness in our innermost being can only be filled by God, pure and simple.
The Bible tells us that it is only God who can give us the desires of our heart. Nothing else in this world can satisfy the deepest cries of our soul.
No amount of money, or fame, or achievement, or gadgets, or any other material possession that this world offers can compare to the only thing that our souls ever wanted from the beginning of time for which we were created for and that is to enter the presence of God and dwell in His land.
In our lives, we chase our dreams and ambitions. There is nothing wrong with having dreams and ambitions but we have to discern whether these are part of God's plan for us or merely wishful thinking.
In the film Bruce Almighty, one statement stuck to my mind which was when God told Bruce, "Yeah. But since when does anyone have a clue about what they want?" God knows us each intimately.
He knows our strengths and talents, our weaknesses and flaws but He loves us unconditionally and always wants us to succeed which is why He never gives us a challenge so daunting that we will not overcome it.
He gives us challenges to develop character in us so that we will be equipped to take on the opportunities He has in store for us.
God already has great plans in His will for our lives. We already have the best in God's hands. God has meaning and purpose for us. We just need to stop chasing after the wind and start focusing on God.
It is a difficult task but with God, all things are possible. There is no challenge that God cannot overcome for us. For He is greater than all.
In my life, I have yet to know where God wants me to grow and serve Him but at this moment in time I am happy and content that I have Jesus Christ in my life and that through Him I am able to go to the Father.
Now, I am trying my best chasing after God. And God is truly faithful.
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