Getting Closer In Your Relationships

I would not be reflecting upon every truth that we talked about but there is one specific concept that shed a whole new light to my understanding of relationships especially marriage.
One thing that most couples or even single people think about or perhaps ask often about with regard to relationships and marriage is intimacy and finding the close familiarity with one another to the point that there is no need for words to express how one feels or to sense what the other may be thinking or experiencing.
The question that really stuck in my mind was the extent of intimacy between two people. Of course, in this aspect, I am quite conservative in observing respect toward your partner and obeying the commands of God regarding the sanctity of marriage.
The answer is very simple. If you are already in a relationship, then the extent of which you can be 'close' or 'intimate' with your boyfriend or girlfriend is only until the holding of hands.
Physical contact can actually send out signals to your minds and entertain the thought of taking your relationship to whole new level to which you are not prepared for. Moreover, it should be the emotional sensitivity that takes precedence over physical intimacy.
Now, this is the truth that made an imprint in my mind. One of the speakers among the panel illustrated how we can really know our friends, partner, spouse, or boyfriend/girlfriend better and he showed it by a triangle.
The apex of the triangle is where God should be in a relationship and the base points are the people whom we have relationships with. For us to get closer to them, we simply have to get closer to God until such point that we have a deep familiarity and closeness in our relationships.
In the end, it is God who is the source of love and the one who knows the best person for us to spend the rest of our lives with. Let us just trust God and all His plans for us, in every area of our lives because only He can give us the desires of our heart.
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