Happy Mother's Day!

To my mother and to all moms out there, may you continue to love and to be loved by those around you, by your family, your friends, and may God continue to bless you with the strength and the wisdom to lead your children and to protect your family. A personal poem for my mom that I just did at this moment. Mom, do you know how much I love you each day? Though I may not say it in words or express it through my ways deep down inside, I will love you Always and Forever. Do you know how much I cried when you are not with me? How I longed for your embrace, Just the sight of your face was enough for me or when I hear your soft, gentle voice telling me, "It's okay". Have I ever told you how much you mean to me? Every day you work hard every day you give your all and at times, I am insensitive but you love me anyway I know it in my heart and I just want to show it too. Without you, I would not be here From the time I was in you You cared an...