A Short Reaction on the Novel, Sense and Sensibility

I was meaning to write something about this months ago.

I finished reading the novel, though I have not seen the movie, I am fully content with the written story.

Basically, this is about two sisters, both of which have interesting characteristics, habits, and thoughts about love and romance.

Although they seem totally different in their personalities, one preferring silence and resolve, while the other leans toward strong emotional conviction and carefree living.

But as I went along the story, I felt the connection and concern of both sisters with each other as they tread a path of pain from heartbreak and treachery. All the while, their bond becomes stronger, and their respect for each other more so.

The elder of the two is Elinor and she is more reserved with her feelings than her ostentatious younger sister, Marianne who always finds a time to express her extreme emotions. However, they are equally passionate in their pursuits, only they show it in different ways.

More often, Elinor tries to keep her composure in tact even in the most difficult of times, as shown when Marianne was experiencing deep depression and she tries so hard to comfort her and to make her feel better, while having to combat her own emotional battles. And in her sorrow, Marianne returned the favor.

Well, I guess you now know who represents sense and sensibility. For me, I love the way Jane Austen shows how difficult it is to find the right person for you. I remember this line, "Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds, or bends with the remover to remove" from Shakespeare.

One really has a lot of obstacles to overcome when in love. And the way we humans tackle these problems is just as interesting.

Love, in my opinion, is a very interesting subject and I would not want to go deeper into it yet. I have not really felt that way toward anyone in my life. Although, I have seen it in the movies but it is quite different when the movies come to life.

It is even better in real life because you are not looking at a screen that only shows moving pictures, you are actually in the moment and you are living it. It is somewhat surreal when you finally experience it but then again, the sting would be more painful.

Anyway, I liked Sense and Sensibility and my next target is Pride and Prejudice. Hopefully, it is as good as everybody says it is. If you would like to read this book, you can find it on Amazon.


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