Turn that Frown Upside Down: 11 Secrets to Happiness

Have you ever encountered certain people who, despite their own problems and struggles in life, stay positive and joyful all the time? Every time you pass them by, they exude an aura of cheerfulness that pulls people's attention toward them. You can easily relate with them in conversation and you would immediately feel comfortable around them. I have met and made friends with people like this and I can tell you, it's going to be life-changing. Being surrounded with really joyful people and being able to experience insurmountable and irrepressible joy myself, I have observed that there are things we can do that would make us feel happy at any point of our lives and I would like to share them with you. 1. Always Keep Yourself Healthy Whenever my friend Andrea skips breakfast, she becomes cranky and irritable. There were also times when I skipped lunch for a few hours just to get my appointments done but then I would come down with a headache and I would have to take...