3 Life Lessons I Took Out from the Film 'Click'

I just watched the 2006 American comedy drama film, Click, starring Adam Sandler and Christopher Walken among others.

I laud the way they mixed the lightness of the comedy and the somberness of the drama.

Furthermore, I liked how the message was powerfully brought across through the characters and by a single remote control.

The film narrates the adventures of Michael Newman as he travels through time, skipping almost every important event in his life with the help of the 'universal' remote control given to him by Morty, a clerk from the "Beyond" section of the Big Bath & Beyond store.

Due to his excessive time jumping, Michael misses almost every big moment of his life - his kids growing up, his wife divorcing him, his father's death - because his body shifts into autopilot mode in the process.

While in autopilot mode, it is revealed that Michael makes decisions based on his daily attitude regarding work and family, in which case, his work comes before his family.

Later on, as Michael moves further and further down through time, Morty reveals that he is an angel - the angel of death - and that the remote will automatically skip every activity that he had skipped before.

Michael, upon knowing that his wife, Donna, divorced him, gets into a big confrontation with her and her new husband, Bill, which ultimately ended with Michael popping an artery, causing a heart attack, and placing him on a hospital bed.

When Michael's son, Benjamin, reveals to him that he has cancelled his honeymoon for a meeting, Michael then decides to do the unthinkable and idiotic.

He removes all the tubes connected to him thus keeping him alive, and chases after his son to tell him to cancel the meeting and enjoy his honeymoon with his wife. Out in the pouring rain, Michael makes amends with his family and reconciles with them, at which point, he dies.

As Michael wakes up, he finds himself lying on a bed at the Big Bath & Beyond store. He realizes that he was merely dreaming and that he didn't die. He goes back home and opts to make every moment with his family count and changes his treatment to his wife and children.

Then, Michael is surprised to see the remote control on top of the kitchen counter with a note from Morty saying that he knew that good guys need a break from time to time and he trusts that Michael will do the right thing from then on.

In response to the note, Michael throws the remote in the trash can, leaving everything to memory.

The Three Life Lessons
These three life lessons are not new to any of us but they are often neglected. We sometimes just need to be reminded of them and that's what Click did for me.

1. Be grateful for what you have and who you have in your life. 
Value them and show them how much you appreciate them because the time might come that they will be gone and it will be too late.

We are often discontent with not having the things that we want or not having more of this and that, so much so, that we become blind to the things that we have and need.

Life is not about the money, the gadgets, the fame, or all the material possessions in the world. As it is said, "What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?"

We should never look at the temporary things in life but instead store the eternal riches.

It is also a great practice to give thanks to the people around you, to give thanks to God for your life, and to give thanks even for the problems that come your way because they are also opportunities for you to be blessed.

2. Savor every moment of your life for we only have one chance at living so live life to the fullest. 
Never hold back or hesitate then later think about what would have been because if you don't take the opportunity now, it might never come again. We are often impatient with the slow pace of life - wanting to have everything now, to become more mature now, to find love now, to know the answers and secrets of the world now - that we miss out on the adventure of a lifetime.

It takes time to grow and to live in the moment. Yes, it is true that there is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the heavens.

We just have to prepare ourselves for the experiences that will come our way and enjoy every joy and every pain, every tear and every laugh, because it is worth it.

3. Family comes first. 
We must enjoy and love our family. We must nurture the relationships that we have with each member because the home is the first place where we learn what life truly means.

This is where we learn to love, to share, to laugh and to cry, and to make peace.

They understand us and comfort us through every struggle, every ache and sorrow that we experience in life. Our parents are the ones who provide for our needs each day and teach us how to live a fruitful life.

You might feel that you are misunderstood by your family but it may be because you close yourself to them and distance yourself from them.

There may be those who have lost their families but you are always welcome into the family of Christ, of God. Whatever circumstances you might be in, just know that there will always be a family to support you, may it be biological or not.

Overall, Click was a very wonderful movie to watch and the way they mashed up the comedy with the drama was truly an amazing feat.

