My Wishlist: 10 Things I Would Like To Get For Christmas

Only a few hours left before Christmas which gives me just enough time to send an email to Santa. Just kidding.
But seriously, I do think that I have been a relatively nice boy this year so I'm quite hopeful.
Quite frankly, I'm not really expecting any gifts for Christmas because even though this is the season of giving, we have to be practical especially in these times when the power rates are skyrocketing.
All the same, just for fun, here are a few things I would like to get for Christmas:
#1: Siblings
Either a baby brother or a baby sister, preferably both at the same time. Yes, I would like to have fraternal twin siblings. It's not too late yet although the chances aren't on my favor but I would do anything to have two adorable siblings.
I have no idea where this sudden longing to have siblings came from but I just feel that it's still possible and I really want to have someone to give me a reason to grow up.
I want there to be laughter, smiles, and all the cuteness of baby siblings, even the endless weeping. I know it's going to be a heavy responsibility but I'm up for a challenge.
Plus, babies are good parenthood training and they would be good stress relievers despite the weeping.
Also, there was a point in my life when I contemplated about having a family in the future and how sad it would be if my children wouldn't have biological uncles or aunts to visit every now and then, to give them presents, to play with them, or to babysit.
Although, this idea would be a very tough one to convince to my parents but all the same, if God wills it to happen, He will make a way.
#2: Love, Joy, Peace
Every year, our Christmas budget gets smaller since poverty and corruption in the Philippines are quite rampant so we try to make do.
However, some of the best gifts in life are free and I would really want to have an abundance of spiritual blessing overflowing in my life most especially love, joy, and peace for my whole family.
No matter how many material possessions you may have or how much food you have for Christmas Eve, as long as your family is filled with unconditional love, irrepressible joy, and incomprehensible peace, then you are blessed and have all you need to spend Christmas.
Of course, material blessings are also good and Jesus is capable of blessing us with so much but when you have love, joy, and peace in your life, you will be content. Everything else is just a cherry on top.
#3: Chocolates
Whoppers, Maltesers, Kisses, Cadbury, Toblerones, and the whole enchilada. When I was kid, I would wait for Christmas with eager anticipation that my godparents, my uncles and aunts, and my parents will be giving me chocolates of different shapes and sizes.
Of course, when I had too much of them, I would get an asthma attack so they stopped giving me chocolates. But now, I have learned to eat in moderation so I really want to have some this Christmas.
#4: My Own Car and Flat
Maybe this is a little too ambitious especially since I am not of legal age yet but I am hoping that some Christmas, I would open my eyes and be handed the keys to my very own car and flat.
This is why I'm going to be taking up driving lessons with my uncle this Christmas break. After that, I would try to learn how to cook so that I would be able to sustain myself when the time comes that I would live on my own.
#5: A Beautiful, Melodious Voice
I love to listen to music and I want to be able to sing well. I'm not asking to have a perfect singing voice instead I just want to master my own voice so that I can sing my heart's desire.
#6: High-speed Internet Connection
I think one of the reasons why going online is so unproductive is because of all the loading times and buffering that our computers go through.
Given the situation that your internet speed is at 17 GB/s, you can download hundreds of movies and applications in an hour, watch millions of YouTube videos in a day, and play your online games without lag. Now, wouldn't that be easier and more convenient?
#7: Snow
I had been dreaming of a white Christmas ever since I was young. To build snowmen and to throw snowballs at other people seem like really fun things to do when it snows.
Though, there are some places here in the Philippines that try to simulate snow like the Manila Ocean Park at Hotel H2O or Snow World at Star City, nothing beats the real thing.
#8: A Few Inches Taller
Filipinos have this belief that if you want to grow taller, then you should jump as much as you can during New Year's. I haven't really tested that but I just want to be taller than my father and my uncles. Hopefully, the hormones will kick in and speed up my growth.
#9: A Few Inches Slimmer
It must feel good to wake up one morning having lost a few pounds and having chiseled muscles but these things don't work that way. I really just want to have a healthier diet and to have time to exercise so that I can trim some of the excess fats in my body.
In line with this, I would like to know why eating vegetables is still a very big challenge for me and trust me, it's not all in my head anymore.
#10: All-Expenses Paid Trip
Spending Christmas out of town would be the coolest Christmas gift ever! There are really some destinations that I would like to visit during the holidays so that I can have an exciting, new experience to treasure for Christmas.
I would like to know how different countries celebrate Christmas and what kind of traditions they do and what food they prepare.
I know that I may not have some or even all of these things but I will continue to hope and pray that I get what I need this Christmas. Nonetheless, I'm very grateful for the blessings that I have and for the people who are in my life right now.
So, have a Merry Christmas and may you be blessed!
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