When Memories Fade Away

Don't you find it weird
That we try to remember things
That we have already forgotten?
What satisfaction can we get
In getting back the things we lost
Especially when we were the reason
Why it became lost in the first place?

We find solace in forgetting
Because memories are supposed to keep
Those bonds that we have forged
In the most unexpected times
At the most unexpected places
With the most unexpected people
Memories are treasures from those
Whom we have shared a piece of ourselves
And in whom we have entrusted to protect
But when they are gone so is the memory
What use would it be to keep it?
We would only be hurting ourselves

But to be completely whole
We must first be broken
To become strong to face the future
We must feel the pain of the past
We don't forget what happened
We don't let go of their memory
But we move forward
Letting go of the fact that they're gone
But holding on to the reality
That they were here
And became a part of our lives
Resting in the assurance
That life does not end with a wall
But an eternity

