Things I Learned after Watching Naruto

Credits: Studio Pierrot

I know I'm a bit late to the party but recently, I had just finished my Naruto marathon, both the original and Shippuuden. It took me about three months. Afterward, I kind of missed it since it felt like I was with them as they grew up and matured. So here are a few things I picked up after watching it.

Pursuing Your Dreams

One of the things that came up often in the anime is the idea of never giving up. Naruto knew what he wanted to be from when he was a child. He held on to that dream and worked hard to achieve it. He spent all his time and effort into getting closer to his dream.

This tenacity and determination is so admirable in this character. And I think this is the reason why his story is endearing to many people. And this is why his story resonated with me. The way the character was written and animated made him an inspiration to me. That’s why after watching the anime, I became more determined to express what my dream is and to reach for it.

Sure, this is only a fictional story but take away all the fictional elements from it and look at the plot at face value. You will see that this kind of story is not limited to the fictional world. These things can happen in real life.

Here is a person who is reaching for his dream no matter what obstacles he faces, overcoming those obstacles, and becoming better each step of the way. Nothing gets us pumped up more than seeing other people succeed. That’s because you get inspired to do the same thing.

People who work hard and succeed are true inspirations. You want to make something out of your life just as they did. And I think it helps to know that Naruto had a heartbreaking past. Because then you know that no matter what situation you have, there is a chance to change it. That is the usual rags to riches story.

Getting a Mentor

I think one of the most important factors in Naruto’s growth was having loving and dedicated mentors around him. It was not just Jiraiya. He had Iruka, Kakashi, Yamato, Asuma, Tsunade, and a lot more who were rooting for him.

Later on, he would even meet the Toad Sages of Mount Myoboku. They guided him to the right path and taught him whatever they knew. The same thing was true for his teammates, Sasuke and Sakura who had Orochimaru and Tsunade as their mentors.

It definitely helps to have someone to teach you and show you different things about the world. By walking with them and following them, you are able to learn and grow as a person. You are able to pick up their ways and thoughts.

I think this is also applicable to faith and the Christian life. I was able to picture what discipleship looked like as I watched how Naruto was with Jiraiya. Now I can imagine what it must have been like between Jesus and the Twelve.

If we put this in the context of today, I think this is the most important thing any employee, student, or anyone for that matter should think about. I definitely would have wanted to have a mentor during my years in college or even high school.

The time that you spend with a mentor would not be wasted. Even if you have to do the most mundane or the most difficult tasks that your mentor gives you, it will be worth it. If they are sincere about training and developing you, take it to heart.

When I find work, this is one of my top considerations. Since I’m in my early years in life, what matters to me most is being equipped and trained. And this would allow me to also adequately equip and train those after me as well. Observing and learning from a mentor could show me the path that I can take. They can be an example to follow. And as I learn and grow, I may be able to surpass them. I can continue what they have started and pass it on to the next generation as well.

Friends and Rivals

Besides mentorship, having supportive friends and rivals was also important. I think the brotherly love between Naruto and Sasuke was quite evident. Sure, Sasuke got lost along the way. But since Naruto kept sticking it out for him and being so stubborn about saving him, it paid off in the end.

I remember in one of the arcs, Naruto spoke to Ranmaru and they were talking about the idea of home. What is home? And the answer that Naruto gave was what Jiraiya told him. It is the place where someone still thinks about you.

Naruto held on to that mindset about Sasuke to the very end. He wanted his friend to have a home to return to so he kept thinking about him. Even when everybody else in the village deserted or resented Sasuke, Naruto never let go. When his peers found out that Sasuke attacked the Five Kage Summit, they wanted to take matters in their hands. But Naruto didn’t allow that to happen.

Now that exemplifies a deep bond between two people. It was this bond that Naruto had with Sasuke that pushed him to become stronger and better. Their relationship shows exactly how two people can make each other better even through conflict or tension.

It was all done in brotherly love. I believe they never intended any malice against each other. Sasuke was probably just consumed by hatred which blinded him for a bit. But in the end, he returned.

It’s definitely important to have friends around you who care about you. Having a rival would greatly motivate you to become better. I’m thankful to have friends though having a rival is probably going to be a bit difficult. My personality isn’t really suited for making rivals. I would probably be the kind of person who would nonchalantly decline or politely scoff at the idea. But still I think it would be fun.

Anyway, these are the things I learned after watching Naruto. If you haven’t watched it, go do so. It might take longer than it took me but it will be an exciting ride.

