The Relevance of the Gospel in a Postmodern World

By: congerdesign at pixabay I have heard of the golden verse in the Bible since I was a kid (John 3:16) and I knew about Jesus Christ because my parents taught me about the Christian faith and always brought me to Sunday school so these truths were ingrained in me from my childhood but I only realized and understood what they all meant recently, about four years ago, and at that point, it all jumped out at me full of meaning and vigor, the Word of God, active, alive, and at work in me. And it has been the most joyful, exciting, fulfilling, and incredible experience I have ever had. For almost 2,000 years this same message, the Gospel of Jesus Christ, has been transforming lives and turning the world upside down, and I would like to argue that the world has essentially not changed since the ancient times with respect to human nature and the inclinations of the human heart which is I believe the fundamental issue that is central to all dilemmas being faced in every aspect and in e...