He Rose from the Dead

That there was a man who was sent to the world and did many miracles - healing all diseases, casting out demons, raising the dead back to life - and many believed in Him.
He had no sin but He died so that our sins may be forgiven to those who believe in Him and receive Him into their lives. His Name is Jesus Christ, the Messiah.
The Bible tells us that one man died for all, and therefore all died. And He died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for Him who died for them and was raised again.
Jesus laid His life down willingly as a sacrifice for our sins and God the Father gave Him the authority to take up His life once again. Jesus' sacrifice pleased the Father and He became the way for our sins to be forgiven if we believe and accept Him into our lives.
He rose from the dead so that we who believe in Him have hope of eternal life through Him. Jesus is alive today and Jesus tells us in the Bible that if we believe in Him, even though we die, we shall have life. And if we live and believe in Him, we shall never die.
Jesus gives us eternal life through His death and resurrection. Just as He was risen up from the dead so shall we rise up with Him. And the Bible also says in 1 Corinthians 15 that if Jesus had not risen, there will be no salvation and our faith will mean nothing and our testimony will be worth nothing.
But Jesus rose after three days as the Bible said He would and now we have life in Him.
I believe that this is very vital to our faith and to the gospel that we share to people because Jesus is our hope that we have a glory that awaits us on the day of His return. We are all waiting for Jesus and for the time when He will fulfill His promise to come back and take us to the place He has prepared.
Again, as the Bible has said, if He had not risen, then everything that we are doing will amount to nothing. Our sins would not have been forgiven if Jesus had not risen. But the good news is that He did. Jesus rose from the dead so we too can rise up with Him.
God Bless!
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