Refocusing on God

When we start to become entangled with the routine and habits of the world, our lives become so dull and pointless and without meaning or purpose.
In these times, God set me back on the right track by allowing certain problems slip into my life that I cannot handle alone. There were times when God brings us to a point of desperation and total lack that we respond by turning to Him.
There were times when God gets me out of my comfort zone and leads me into a hostile place where I have no one to turn to but Him. There were times when I lost those insignificant desires and possessions that I held more dear to my heart than my relationship with God.
It was also in these times that I broke down before God and asked Him to forgive me and help me to align my life with His plans and purposes. I begged Him to draw me back to Him and to pour a fresh perspective on life.
I prayed that His Holy Spirit relight the fire in my heart so that I would burn with a desire to know God more and to serve Him with all my heart and to put Him before everything else in my life. These were the times when God came to my aid and rebuilt my life and gave me an increased passion for Him.
I know that there are so many distractions that the world offers to us but we have to seek what is best for our lives. The Bible tells us to seek God first and His righteousness.
We need to be earnest seekers and really desire God with all our heart. We need to throw away whatever hinders us or distracts us from growing in our relationship with God so that we would fully receive what He has to give us.
Have you been stumbling in your relationship with God lately? Maybe you haven't been spending much time with Him in the Word or maybe you haven't been praying much recently.
Maybe you have gotten tired and weary from just going through the motions and becoming too distracted by the world. What we need right now is for God to rekindle the passion to serve and worship and seek Him with all our hearts.
I pray that when we begin to realize that we have been losing focus on God, let us turn off all the gadgets and television, put off the busy schedules and deadlines, stop the partying and go into the place of silence and peace to meet with God.
Because in these times, we need God more than ever and we need Him every single day because we will keep on battling against the forces of this world and being a light for the world until the day that the Lord Jesus Christ returns.
Let us refocus our lives on God. God Bless!
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