God Is More Than Enough

I have something wonderful to share about how amazing the true living God, our God who is the Father of Jesus Christ who redeemed us from sin and death because He loves us.

Last night, I was eagerly preparing for a report that I was to present today and at that point I had not finished reading the references and materials that I gathered to give a detailed presentation in my class.

I actually was not able to read everything about my topic but I simply prayed to God that whatever His will is for me that may it be done in my life.

I asked for His wisdom to understand my topic and the courage to express what I know through words. I asked that He help me to say the right words and to connect the dots.

I trusted God that whatever was going to happen today, I can rely and lean on Him that He will carry me through it and that He will give me the needed understanding and composure to deliver my report well in the class.

So when I got up this morning, I prayed again to God for His guidance and the power of the Holy Spirit so that I can do what I thought would be impossible.

And God pulled through for me! The moment that I started speaking, words just flowed from my mouth and my thoughts were clear and I knew the direction that I was leading my classmates and professor to.

I believe that despite my incomplete knowledge of the topic, God gave me wisdom and understanding to lead me into the right path.

He even gave me support through the different contributions that my group mates and my professor added along the way so that I was more at ease speaking in front and I was able to be comfortable to the point that my report became like a simple conversation with a friend and everything went smoothly.

We were able to wrap things up and my professor liked the report but I know that it is God who deserves the praise, glory, and honor because He was moving through me and enabled me to be confident with the information that I have and because of that we were able to make sense of the topic at hand.

By the way, my report was on Politics and Sociology which focused more on Max Weber and Emile Durkheim.

Because of this, God showed me that I can rely on Him and that He will truly be faithful to His Word that never will He leave us nor forsake us even in the simple and specific things in our lives if we come to Him in prayer and humbly ask for His guidance and strength to do the things that we cannot do ourselves.

God is definitely present in every aspect of our lives, whether in the big things or the small things, we can depend on Him to pull through for us and fight the battles and win the victory for us. I remember a verse of Scripture in 1 Peter 5:6-7 which is one of my favorites in the Bible and says:

"Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that He may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you."

Prayer is a perfect example of humility because we essentially strip ourselves off of any pride and bow down before the throne of God and ask from Him whatever we need. Jesus also reminds us in John 14:12-14 and He tells us:

"I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in Me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. 

And I will do whatever you ask in My name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father. You may ask Me for anything in My name, and I will do it."

Basically, Jesus tells us that whenever we need help from Him, we can go to Him and ask in His Name so that He may bring glory to the Father through the works that He will accomplish in our lives.

Essentially, every victory and every achievement that we have done in our lives is because of God's mighty work happening through us and not because of our own abilities or talents because even these come from Him so we have to give Him back all the glory and praise Him for all the good things that He has done and the changes that He has made through us.

Even in the bad times, we can praise God because we know that He can turn our situation around for our good and for His glory because only He can do that.

God has also shown me that He is more than enough because not only did He answer my prayers and gave me the guidance that I so needed.

But He also gave me much more than I needed because after my report, my professor told me that she wanted to recommend me for a contest about the philosophers that we have been studying throughout the semester.

God truly surprised me with that because I did not ask Him for that but He gave it to me and I consider it a blessing to be able to experience God's mighty hand working in my life.

It even went further since I asked my professor if I can share my testimony on our last meeting so God has given more than the desires of my heart and He truly filled me with joy today because He pulled through for me.

Now I have this fervent desire to boldly go and do what His will for me is because I know that I can trust Him in all the ventures and endeavors that He has set for me.

Therefore, I pray that you too will be able to experience God's personal guidance for you that He does not merely provide whatever physical need you have for each day but that He also answers and takes care of the specific personal things that you lift up to Him.

God wants to help us and it delights Him to see us humble ourselves before Him and ask for His guidance because the fact is we need His help and we need His power in our lives for us to overcome our daily battles.

So I urge you to really cast all your cares whether it be your work, your academic performance, or maybe your family relationships, and even simple homework or tests that you need to prepare for. God will surely pull through!

And remember also to give thanks to God and offer to Him the glory, honor, and praise that He will allow you to receive because praise from people is also one test of our faith and humility to God.

Be sure never to get puffed up when people praise you because what we must strive for in life is the favor of God and to hear Him say, "Well done, my faithful child!"

To have the approval of God for our humility despite the honors or awards we receive because medals and trophies will rust and tarnish but God's faithfulness endures forever and His glory that awaits us is eternal.

Let us then always fix our eyes on the Lord Jesus and on the eternal things of God for those carry a weightier value in our lives than anything that the world can bestow upon us. God Bless!

