God is Faithful

I would like to share to you how God has been faithful to me this day and the day before. He showed me how much He cares for me and He let me experience how He really has everything in my life under His control.

I have nothing to worry about because I know now that His faithfulness shall endure even through the most humanly impossible circumstances or situations or those moments when we have totally no control over the events that happen in our lives.

But we simply have to trust that all these things happen according to God's plan for us and that we have acknowledge that God's plan and will for us is good.

Submitting to Him and to His will would release the power of the Holy Spirit over our lives and He will take care of all our needs when we lift them up to Him and humbles ourselves before Him. God also hears our prayers and answers them in the right time.

Sometimes the answers might come immediately while other prayers may require more patience for God to bring the answers to fruition and more faith on our part because God knows whether we are prepared and well-equipped to receive from Him.

Today, I truly felt the warmth of God's presence and the peace that encompasses all understanding that only He can give when I asked Him to lead me to the right way as I went to school.

I woke up later than usual today and I knew that there might be tremendous consequences to that especially since traffic during rush hours is incredulously heinous for passengers, students and office-goers.

So I surrendered all my cares to God despite the fact that I knew what obstacles I would be facing and what hindrances would require much of my patience and trust to be put into practice.

I knew that God required much endurance from me so that I would not compromise or get easily provoked or frustrated by the problems that I will face. I simply lifted up all my problems to Him and I waited on what will come my way and how this day would turn out.

When I left the house, it was 8:30 and I already had calculated that I might be late for my first class since the total waiting time that I normally spend in the MRT train station and the jeepney lines amount to about 45 minutes and the travel time for the train is 30 minutes and for the jeepney, it is 15 minutes.

Getting to the train station takes about another 15 minutes so I would tentatively reach school at 10:15, at which point, I would be considered late.

Not to mention, we cannot use our car so I would need to take a jeepney to the train station which usually takes a lot of delays because the driver needs to stop for passengers every now and then. Despite this, I just decided to trust God and let Him work in my life today so no qualms came out from me.

When I was tempted to lose my temper or to compromise myself, I prayed to God and asked for His grace that I would be able to keep myself from falling to temptation and for His power through the Holy Spirit to help me do so.

When my father brought me to the place where I can ride a jeepney going straight to the train station, I was immediately able to hail a jeepney and it only took about five minutes getting to the train station since the driver was resourceful enough to move flexibly through traffic.

Arriving at the train station, again I felt that God truly answered my prayer and that He is holding me in the palm of His hands and leading me in the right way.

I saw that there were no long slow-moving lines entering into the train platform so I was able to ride a train ten minutes before 9 o'clock which gives me enough time to travel to school and not be late.

In the end, I arrived ten minutes before 10 o'clock which makes me 20 minutes early for class, since our professor comes in and checks attendance ten minutes after 10 o'clock.

I consider this day truly a miracle because God showed me that He can make ways where there seems to be no way and where I would seem to be disadvantaged in any situation.

I also experienced that God truly cares because I knew what problems I would face today but I got through this day without a hitch and unscathed. God made everything flow smoothly for me and I am thankful because God showed His love for me even in the small requests that I ask from Him.

He truly answers faithfully and in the right time. God never left me nor forsake me and I felt His peace all throughout the day.

I also experienced God's mighty hand upon my life the day before when my friends and I attended the wake of our late guidance counselor and teacher. The service started at seven in the evening and it ended at around half past eight.

Around that time, one of my classmates, Andie, and I would be using the train again to get home but we were unsure at what time the last trip of the LRT-2 train line would be.

So I just went and trusted in God that whatever place I may reach and whatever route I may have to take to get home, He will be there with me and He will shed His light on my way.

Upon reaching the train station, Andie and I were relieved because the LRT-2 line was still open which meant that we can travel quickly and save more time.

Then, I faced another obstacle because neither of us knew until what time the LRT-1 line would remain open for passengers so Andie gave me directions just in case that the LRT-1 line would be unavailable to me.

When we went our separate ways, I told God that I would trust Him and His Holy Spirit's direction. Wherever I may go, I knew that God would be there before me and I had nothing to fear.

So, when I reached the entrance to the LRT-1 station, I was incredibly relieved because it was still open! When I boarded the train, I thanked God so much because He knew exactly what I needed and He truly showed me that He is faithful and I can trust Him.

I got home, safe and sound, having experienced God's faithfulness and carrying in my heart the truth of God's Word.

In conclusion, I would like to share two verses from the Bible speak about God's faithfulness,

"For the Lord is good and His love endures forever; His faithfulness continues through all generations." Psalm 100:5

"He will cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you will find refuge; His faithfulness will be your shield and rampart." Psalm 91:4

And because God is faithful to us, we have to rely on Him and allow Him to use our lives for His glory and to have His way with us. As the Word says,

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6

