The Seven I AM Statements Series #6: Jesus Christ, the Way, the Truth,and the Life

In the last two statements that Jesus makes, He encapsulates the previous statements that He had made and brings it all together.

Also, He gives us something to look forward to and a command to hold on to so that we can continue to grow and mature in spirit as we walk with Him in the life that He has given us through His death and resurrection.

Jesus makes clear everything that He has said about who He is and who the Father is as seen through Him since He and the Father are one.

In the last two statements, Jesus is nearing the time for Him to bear the cup and to endure the suffering so that His mission will be completed and so that He can make a way for us to God the Father.

These are His commands and consolation to His disciples before He goes to the cross and here we see plainly what the mission that Jesus was given meant for us is.

He truly gave us the opportunity to have eternal life as He had been teaching since the beginning of His ministry until His ascension back to the right hand of the Father in heaven.

We see the unconditional and encompassing love that Jesus has for us by offering Himself as a sacrifice so that our sins will be forgiven and the slate will be wiped clean, giving us His own righteousness that we may become right with God.

Let us look at John 14:6-7:

"Jesus answered, 'I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. If you really knew Me, you would know My Father as well. From now on, you do know Him and have seen Him."

All the previous I AM statements that Jesus made come to this as Jesus says that He is the way, the truth, and the life and He declares that there is no other way for man to enter heaven except through believing in Him and receiving Him as their personal Lord and Savior.

Without Jesus, we would still be lost and without hope. He is the good shepherd and He is the one who brings the lost sheep back home. He is the gate for the sheep and only He can bring us to good pasture and allow us to enter into the presence of God through His righteousness.

He is the resurrection and the life and He is the bread of life. Only Jesus can truly satisfy the deep longing of our soul and fill the void that is in our hearts.

He can bring peace never-ending and fullness of joy in our lives that despite the suffering and losses that we have accumulated in our lives, we would give praise for God because He is faithful to us in all these things and that He has given us life that is apart from the world, one that is full of meaning and purpose.

Truly, Jesus is the light of the world for only He can reveal the truth in our lives and about ourselves. He speaks the truth for everything that He has spoken came from the Father in heaven and every word that God speaks is true.

Jesus culminates the characteristics of who He is and plainly tells us that He is the way, He is the truth, and He is the life.

There is nothing else that man can do to reach God because when sin entered the life of man, man lost the glory of God and He has been naked ever since, not just physically but spiritually. When man fell to sin, he disobeyed God and fell from grace.

But when Jesus came into the world, He came fully God and fully Man so that He can represent man and redeem us through His sacrifice and by His blood we can be cleansed of our impurities as we accept Him into our lives.

It was by God's grace, as He willfully gave Jesus, His only Son to the world for Him to die on the cross thus nailing sin to the cross and taking away the authority from death, from sin, and from Satan over the life of man.

Jesus broke the chains and the bonds that robbed us of our freedom and by His Name, we have been given the greatest gift of salvation.

Through believing and receiving Him, we have also received the rights as a child of God and the authority over sin since Jesus overcame sin, death, temptation, and every evil force of Satan in this world.

Basically, Jesus gave up His life and took it up again so that we can have our lives back and so that we can have a connection again with the Father as is depicted in the picture.

Through our faith in Jesus, we can accept Him into our lives and be saved from sin and be brought into the light so that whatever darkness that once enveloped will be revealed and be replaced with the light.

Whenever you get persecuted or attacked by the enemy or by the world, just remember what Jesus did for us and what price He had to pay to purchase us and break us free from bondage.

Always think about the cross where sin was pierced and rendered powerless over the life of man and that because of Jesus' death on the cross and resurrection after three days, we have a way to God.

Not only that but we have eternal life the moment that we receive Christ and we have become a new creation at that point when we decide to accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior.

Our names are etched in the Book of Life and we simply have to rely on God and entrust Him with all our problems and lift up to Him as an offering all the recognition that we receive for it all comes from Him and all the abilities that we have are from Him.

In everything that we do, let us make Jesus our first and last. Go to Him first when you have problem because at the end of the day, all problems will last but the faithfulness of God will endure forever.

