The Last Lap of the Race

This day marks the end of our classes for the second semester of my freshman year in university.

Although technically the following week would be Finals Week and we would settle that last ordeal as the last requirement for our subjects and of course, we would.

All the same, I am so excited that I have almost finished one whole academic year in college and not only did I survive but I also am able to live and breathe as a university student and learn from different people in different fields and make friends with them.

Adapting to the environment of college has been quite an exciting experience for me and I am hopeful for the next years of my life in college.

In the last lap of the race, let us still continue to be steadfast and hold on until the end. In the race of life, as with anything else, it matters not whether you started out vigorously and far ahead the pack or slow and lagging behind rather what matters most is how you finish and you must diligently persevere to finish strong with integrity and honor.

Life is a series of learning experiences so we must never be afraid to be bold and take risks; moreover, we must never be discouraged when failures come our way because those help us to build up character and gain wisdom so that when we get back on our feet, we would know how to improve and how to succeed.

Always remember that in the race of life, we also need someone to coach us and be our guide. You may find mentors in your parents, teachers, elders, or leaders in organizations and public figures who would be role models for you to follow so that you can live your life to the fullest.

But the best mentor and model in life that we can have is Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God because He modeled for us how to live the best kind of life as man and He showed us the kind of relationship that we should have with the Father in heaven.

He is the best teacher, motivator, comforter, and friend that we have in life because He went through and experienced the same struggles, problems, and trials that we do today.

He can empathize with us because He came into the world and lived among the people and He was also tempted by the enemy numerous times but in all these things, He came out victorious over death, temptation, and every single circumstance and dilemma that was thrown at Him.

So I hope that you would continue to persevere and keep running the race of life. Never give up when you fall because failures are part of the learning experience and can pave the way toward knowing how to succeed in life and doing things right.

Always hope and trust in the Lord as well because He is our source of strength and energy to move forward; in moments when we feel tired and weary, He takes us under His wings to rise above the storms and soar high above the clouds.

He blesses us and helps us to have a prosperous life not only in terms of material wealth but more so in terms of spiritual growth and developing strong relationships with others and with Him. I hope you the best and God bless!

