A Blessed Day!

Today has been a blast! Chock-full of energy and bursting with joy, I thank God for His faithfulness and His hand at work in my life.

I truly feel that I am blessed by God for giving me different kinds of opportunities to experience Him in a whole new way that refreshes me and invigorates me even more to serve Him and to share my testimony and faith to other people.

I thank God because despite the other priorities I have lined up for me in the coming days, He fills my heart, mind, and soul with peace that encompasses any worldly boundaries and joy that brings strength despite the hardships that you have to endure.

I am so glad because I see that God is making ways for me to reach out to people and to share the wonderful gift of salvation that I received from Him by accepting Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior.

I thank God because He is true to His promises and faithful to His Word; truly He hears us when we call to Him and He directs our paths toward a full and meaningful life that serves Him and brings glory to His Name as He accomplishes extraordinary feats in our lives and unleashes His unlimited potential through us.

Isn't it wonderful to be used by the Almighty God? Isn't it wonderful that He makes His power available to us so that we can minister in the lives of those within our spheres of influence? What a privilege it is to be part of the plan that God has ordained in our lives and in other people's lives as well!

Let me recount the events that transpired today and how they have shown me that God is at work every single day in our lives and that He answers our prayers in His perfect timing.

In the process, we grow and mature in our understanding of Him and how He wants us to live out the salvation that He has given to us by serving Him and obeying His commands and following Jesus' example.

He showed me that when you obey without hesitation as an act of love and humility before God, He will reward you and lift you up in due time (2 Peter 5:6).

Being a part of the Campus Crusade for Christ, I have learned how it is to be a disciple and how to disciple other people as well.

The challenges and tasks I have been assigned really pushed me to the limits of my courage and faith in relation to my devotion to God and it urged to take risks for God so that His work may be accomplished in the lives of those around me and in me.

So I took it upon myself to help in fulfilling the Great Commission that Jesus commanded us to do which states that we must make disciples of all nations. By that, we must share the gospel of Jesus to those in our immediate surroundings and to our circle of friends and loved ones.

But to take it a step further, we are also challenged to share the gospel even to those whom we have no prior connection or acquaintance with, that is, we must share to strangers as well or even those whom we have never had any sort of personal interaction with.

I thank God because He allowed me to share my personal testimony and the gospel with one of the classes that I took up this semester. I have been wanting to do so since a couple of months ago and I have already told my discipler that desire to share God to other people.

Today, God gave me that opportunity and I grabbed it wholeheartedly so that God may be glorified through my testimony of how He changed my life.

It actually started when I delivered my report for the class last Monday and at the end of the report, I asked my professor if I could stand up in class one last time to share my faith and my testimony and she obliged. Truly, God makes ways for us to do His will and to serve Him in the right time.

I told myself that I do not want to let these kinds of opportunities pass me by because they might never come by anymore - you cannot step into the same river twice.

I prayed to God earnestly for this day that I would be sharing to my classmates and professor, and once again, He pulled through for me! Now, it will be up to Him to tug at the hearts and work in the lives of those whom I have shared to.

Afterward, I went around the university to look for my friends and spend some time with them. Again, I was able to share my testimony to one of my friends whom I have shared the gospel to already yet she has not heard about my personal experiences in life.

I told her my story and I hope that God can use that to help her change her ways and to manifest His faithfulness and power in her life.

Then, when I finished walking around and when our class activity had finished, I went off to the going-away party for our Malaysian visitors in the Campus Crusade for Christ, one of whom is my discipler together with his wife and three children.

Truly, God has opened so many doors in my life to experience His blessings and to mature in my Christian life as I continue to walk with Jesus.

The impact that my discipler, Kuya James, has made in my life really channeled God's power and through Kuya James, God guided me and shed His light upon my life and showed me how much I can trust Him and put my faith on Him because He reciprocates that in abundance.

God truly has made miracles in my life through the people I have encountered and through the experiences that I have gone through and I will never forget these events in my life.

They were turning points in my life that continues to pave the way for God to reveal Himself in my life and show His kindness and awesomeness that with Him, truly all things are possible. God Bless!

