Midnight Musings: Habits, Are They Good or Bad?

Tonight, I would like to talk about a subject that is best experienced than intellectually discussed: habits. We know them, we have them, and we try to keep the good ones and try to dispose of the bad.

But for those who have read Jostein Gaarder's Sophie's World and read the articles of philosophers like Russell, you would know that philosophers try to warn people of slipping into the mindset of the "world becoming a habit."

The world becomes a habit when we become too disinterested or when everything seems to be ordinary which happens as a result of the daily routines that we follow thus making our daily lives and actions mechanical.

So basically, what the philosophers want is for people to be more open-minded, to look at the world as Spinoza would say, "sub specie aeternitatis" or "under the aspect of eternity." As Alberto Knox from Sophie's World said, "The only thing we need to become good philosophers is the faculty of wonder."

This faculty of wonder is that same curious desire to learn that babies possess whose lives have just begun and are only beginning to learn about the world the live in. This is the spark or the light that shines in a dark room, it gives us an idea of what the things inside the room look like.

However, does that mean that habits are bad and that we should disregard the idea of habits altogether? I don't think so and I believe that within the context of daily life, we cannot eliminate habits. It is as part of each one of us as our members are attached to the body.

We need habits for convenience in learning as well. If we were not able to recognize certain patterns in our behavior or in nature, how would we be able to find the right system fit for our body's design or our mind's configuration? If we do not train ourselves or get into the habit of reading or writing or exercise, how would we be able to learn or stay healthy?

Habits are as much a part of living as being able to reason for or against different concepts and ideas that arise in all sorts of situations. I believe that we need habits to learn and to cope with day-to-day activities. Our bodies and our minds are accustomed to habits and we cannot seem to function well without them. We seem lost and simply out of tune, disrupted, if you will.

Although, I do think that being stuck in the rut of mediocrity or normalcy should not be the lifestyle we try to achieve because I believe that God has a unique and wonderful plan for each one of us and He wants us to be victorious and to succeed in the right endeavors.

He wants us to grow and to step out of our comfort zone and to become movers and shakers of the world. He has given us the best path where our lives can really live out the fullest potential that God has in store.

All things are possible with God and if our hearts are in tune with His will, then we will truly see extraordinary things happening in and through us.

God wants us to have an abundant life which does not simply equate to wealth and riches but it extends beyond material things. He wants us to be fruitful and advance His kingdom. He wants us to change lives, touch hearts, and make an impact in the world.

He has given us everything that we would ever need, we just need to set our hearts and fix our eyes on Him. It also requires tons of effort especially getting into the habit of praying, reading and meditating on the Word daily, and seeking God sincerely.

We must develop the habit of putting our faith on God despite hindrances and tribulation. Know that God is on our side and He is there to help. Isn't it amazing that the Almighty, all-powerful, all-knowing God fights our battles for us? Just trust in His plan and will, in the Holy Spirit's leading, and in the unfailing love of God. No matter how much we fail, God never fails so we should just trust Him.

So habits, are they good or bad? It all boils down to your intentions and motives. What does your heart want and desire? Why do you want to make something a habit?

Has the world become so ordinary to you that you fail to see the miracles that God makes each day or do you just simply close your eyes to those possibilities?

Sometimes it may be hard to believe but that is where faith comes in. That is where obedience and trust in God's Word and love would enable us to go and make a difference.

