Reaching Out To People Through Cyberspace

Two weeks ago, I had been exposed to one of the most surreal experiences that I could ever have in my life. I was sent into the mission field to witness for Jesus and to bring the gospel to universities. It has changed me so much and God has taught me so much during the whole trip.

My eyes were opened to the reality that many students and young people out there still have not heard about Jesus or have not made the decision to accept Him into their lives but I am grateful to God that by His grace, we were able to share the gospel and many students received Jesus into their lives.

God showed Himself to be sovereign and merciful and gracious. He has shown me that He has the power to break barriers and overcome obstacles for us to bring the Word to the different parts of the world.

During the week, we also had a day when we reached out to people through the internet and I have learned that all things are possible with God, no matter what medium we use, it is God who touches the hearts of people and when they are willing to receive Jesus, God will make a way for them and Jesus will enter into their hearts.

God can use anyone or anything to bring people out of the darkness and into the light. He can use us wherever we are and because of the internet, we are now able to reach out to a wider range of people throughout the world with the click of a button.

You may think that the internet would be a very difficult space to conquer for Christ especially with all the distractions that it offers people to grab their attention away but if it is God's will, it is going to happen no matter how improbable or irrational the thought may be.

God can use us and the medium of social networking sites to great effect. We were able to use videos and other resources to draw people's attention so that we can share the gospel with them. God is truly at work virtually everywhere, at any time, and with any individual. We just have to trust in His plan and go where He leads.

I think what we need to do is to remove the fear or worry of what people may think about us when we share the gospel openly on the internet or talk about God and faith with people whom we barely even know and whom we just added on Facebook and Twitter because we went to the same high school or university.

We need to simply trust in God's Word as it is written in 1 Corinthians 3:6 that it is God who causes the seed that we plant and water to grow. The seed, of course, is the gospel and when we share it, we plant that seed in the hearts of those whom we share with.

As we continue to share with them and talk more about the Bible and our faith and Jesus, that seed is watered. But the verse says that it is up to God to cause it to grow. Do not worry if people reject the gospel once, you can share it again at another time but continue to pray for that person that God would speak in His heart and eventually the person would come to a relationship with Jesus.

The enemy might be hard at work but God is also working in the hearts of people. God has allowed us this much access to reach out to different parts of the world so let us use it for His glory.

I believe that many people out there need to hear God's Word and many of them are just idly scrolling down on Facebook waiting for that moment when somebody would share the most wonderful message they would ever hear or see in their life.

It is our time to take part in God's work. By God's grace and the power of the Holy Spirit, we can conquer cyberspace for God and bring as many people, friends, and family to Christ. Remember that it is God who causes people to change, not us. We must rely on His power and trust in His plan.

Who knows? God may be calling you to share the gospel to someone on your Facebook friends list, would you be willing to take on that challenge? Would you be willing to step out in faith and let God work through your life?

