A Purpose-Driven Life

Purpose. This is what gives direction to our life. It explains the reason why we exist in this world, at such a timely manner, perfectly orchestrated, strategically positioned to be at this street, in this hour.

Yet, at the same time one might find himself, one might think why he was set in this world, at this time, at this place.

Truly, this has puzzled me. I have been quite perplexed at the timing of the events that have happened in my life. I have been searching and asking but the one word that answered all my questions was purpose.

Now, having established that one has a purpose in life, the next question is, "What is my purpose?". Looking back when I was not more than five years, I wanted to be many things as a lot of people in their tender years might have. I remember that there were times when the career, the path that I wanted to take took a lot of unexpected turns.

At first, I wanted to be a doctor. It seemed the most reasonable and popular answer for me at the time. I wanted to help people. Then, after I watched National Geographic and the Discovery Channel, I wanted to become a veterinarian which was more specific for animals. NGC had a large impact on me then. I also wanted to work for NASA. Not long from then, I wanted to become a teacher.

When I matured a little more, I decided I would take law as my course for college. And now I was thinking of accountancy, information technology, and even culinary arts. Yes, it is quite confusing but then I went back to looking deeper in myself and reflecting. So, things just have a natural way of sorting themselves so now, I know what I am going to do.

There are instances such as this when one is stuck between two or even more choices. It is like the crossroad in your path. Now, what you do with this will determine what you will become. And the thing that I have learned is that what you are best at, that is what you should go for. If you are still undecided, then go one with life. Who knows? Perhaps, you will meet an opportunity that would fit best for you.

As I know God will always give opportunities to people and we know, that He has given our life meaning, a purpose. We just need to make an effort to discover it. For me, knowing what you will become is not the most anticipated thing; it is the journey in trying to find it out.

So just go with the flow, go with what you are most inclined to, go where your passion lies. Nobody is holding you back. It is only you who can hold yourself back.

So, remember, that in everything you do, always be the best you can be and always stay true to who you are! That is the most important thing. Also, try to discover what hidden talents you have been given. Like my passion for cooking and fashion. I am still going to find out what those will turn out to be.

