Taking a Break

It has been quite a vacation. Not really the one that I expected to have.

It does not have that authentic feel of merriment unlike past years of Christmas.

I remember the whole extended family would sit around the table and eat the food that we have been blessed to have that time.

Probably, this is because people in our house have been so busy lately that they had no time to just feel the moment.

Everyone is worried about the preparations, the food; whether there will be a party or not; whether there will be guests arriving although I thought that nobody expected any visitors coming. This absolutely does not live up to my expectations of a wonderful season of joy and giving.

I concluded this partially due to my own experience. Going back to memory lane--it was about three years ago when my uncle and aunt from abroad had flown to the Philippines and come to our home unexpectedly.

You see, I felt the spontaneity of that and everything just fell into place. We had a lively feast, all our relatives were there. We stayed up the whole night simply having fun, talking to each other about our other relatives, and so on. That was truly the best Christmas experience I have ever had.

Another reason I came up with was because the spark in me is gone. It left without leaving a trace. The flame, that once lit my spirits up in a split second when I think of the most ostentatious and wildest expectations, has ebbed away; it is now just a small light, flickering, wavering.

They say that Christmas lives in the hearts of men and more so in the spirits of children. But, alas, I myself am not so spirited to be given anything anymore--but do not be confused, I am still appreciative of whatever is given to me, big or small. It is only that I do not want to gain or receive much. In addition to this, I never really got a lot of presents when I was a kid so probably my desire for presents has also disappeared.

I take more joy in giving now. And perhaps, giving is the only thing that keeps my spirits alive for Christmas. The hope of a better, livelier atmosphere is what pushes me to get up from bed and go out into the world.

Well, as I have said, this Christmas has been quite different than the past Christmases. I never really thought that this day would come so suddenly. The day when Christmas for me, becomes just a holiday. And no lasting memories in between it. Although, I still have hope for the next Christmases to come. It might come, one of these years and it will be worth the wait.

Now, my parents and I are going up to the countryside. That's where we will stay and wait for the New Year to come. Anyway, I might be taking a break from all that's happening in the world but mind this, I will still be writing. I am going to write about anything that would interest me or anything that is interesting in itself.

So, I am looking forward to going to the highlands, to Tagaytay as it is famously known here in the Philippines. Although, it is not equally as famous as Baguio or Boracay, it still is one of the best places to take a rest in.

The quiet atmosphere, the cool weather, the fresh air from the wide stretch of fields--now, that's where I would want to go. I really am not a fan of fireworks. With all the smoke and the risk of possibly having one of your body parts amputated, it just is not my thing.

So, I wish everybody a Happy New Year!!!

