A Miracle-Working God

Would you believe that God still works miracles even to this very day? Yes, He does! Just as Jesus, when He came to the world, made blind eyes to see and the lame to walk, healed all kinds of diseases and cast out evil spirits and set people free. He still does it because He is alive and He is moving in the lives of His people, showing His power to be true and His love to be enduring. Countless miracles happen still to this very day as with the testimony of Pastor James Baker's wife, Genie Baker. They visited Jerusalem and came to the pool of Bethesda. This was where Jesus healed the invalid man who had been waiting there for 38 years in one of the benches to take his turn to wash in the pool and get healed. When Jesus told him to pick up his mat and walk, he was completely healed. In the same way, while sister Genie was sitting on one of those benches, she felt a burning sensation in her lower back which had been causing her pain for most part of their trip. She aske...